Trouble Is My Business Movie starring Tom Konkle

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

IAWTV Awards Announcement

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tom is the founding member of the sketch troupe Lester McFwap, and has performed hundreds of original shows around the country as well as having completed the television pilot, McFwap!   He has appeared in comedy films, written screenplays  commercials, guest star roles on television and independent films. His stage career is extensive with shows including The Real Inspector Hound, Beyond The Fringe, Clare and Tom: A One Woman Show, Loot, Nevermore: The Black Cat, Good Night, Britcom, Double Act and many others. Tom recently wrote for and starred in a two man sketch show with John Cleese called The Art of Football.

AWARD Alert! - Vanguard Award for Most InnovativeINdieIntertube
IndieIntertube awarded SAFETY GEEKS: 3D a Vanguard Award for "an innovation that was the epitome of groundbreaking."
AWARD Alert! - Best 3D Television Episode or Pilot in the 3D Film Festival
3dff award best 3D television episode or pilotThe 3D Film Festival (3DFF) awarded the hour long cut of SAFETY GEEKS: 3D for Best Television Episode or Pilot! Cudos to the cast, crew and technical team with Tom as VFX supervisor, Michael J. Smith for 3D and Thor Melsted for compositing.
SAFETY GEEKS: 3D - 1st Polarized 3D Webseries!
We are please to announce the launch of SAFETY GEEKS: 3D, a full polarized stereoscopic version of SAFETY GEEKS: SVI. Distributed by DDD, it is available on their site, Yabazam!
SAFETY GEEKS Awarded Finalist in "The Best of 2009" by ClickerClicker Safety Geeks, best of 2009
Clicker announced that
 Geeks was First Runner up in Clicker's The Best of 2009, Best Web Original Comedy! Congrats to Legend of Neill and all the other finalists, Life with Kat & McKay, The Temp Life & Blue Movies. It is a pleasure to be in your company.
Safety Geeks CalendarSAFETY GEEKS 2010 Calendar
The SAFETY GEEKS 2010 Calendar featuring the lovely Brittney Powell is now available to occupy a safe "special place" in your office, shop, dorm or anyplace you'd like to put it.
Price: $26.00 + S&H 
Chillin' with John Cleese
Tom and I saw Cleese's brilliant one man show, "An Evening with John Cleese" or "The Alimony Tour, Year One" and were invited to join him in his dressing room after the show as Tom and Cleese have worked together. Super Cool, what a gent!
John Cleese, Dave Beeler and Tom Konkle
SAFETY GEEKS Sterling Review from
We're beginning to think reviewer Alec Corday has a hair obsession with us.... "From underneath the brilliant toupees of Dave & Tom comes a s
how that pokes relentless fun at a society increasingly over-obsessed with safety." review
INVENTION Scores a Great Review from
"...more genius escaping from under this writing team’s various hairdos?"
SAFETY GEEKS Ringtones now availableBrittneyPowell & Mary CsehMake your friends go, "OMG, you have the Safety Geeks Theme Song as your ringtone! That's HOT!" Click here
D&T Sketch Gains Honors at SketchFest Seattle
"Biblical Weather" takes the bronze in this year's SketchFest Video Contest.
Thanks to all who came see us at Comic Con! And check out our video interview with MyNerdGirl - Click hereWe had a wonderful time at "The Con." Thanks to all our fans old and new who stopped by to see us. Safety Geeks at Comic Con
Konkle as BrahmsGuten TAAAG!When Tom played 70 year old composer Brahms in the Raisin Brahms PSA for the Arts, the last thing he thought was that it would become a mash-up sensation. D&T now offer the Brahms "Guten TAAAAG!" Ringtones.
New York Times Logo
D&T Feature in New York Times ArticleBrian Stetler features Dave and Tom in his article, "Rise of Web Video, Beyond 2 Minute Clips."
Dave as a Jedi knight
D&T - Finalists in the 2009 Movie Challenge
It was an honor to have "The Fate of the Duel" be among the films chosen as finalists for the Star Wars Fan Film Challenge hosted by and Lucas Films.

Exclusive Interview with Brian Rothe of
eguiders logo
D&T talk about SAFETY GEEKS:SVI, D&T's history & working in the digital realm.
SAFETY GEEKS:SVI Premiers on KoldCast TV
The P.O.S.H. Team (Professional Occupational Safety & Hazard) is unleashed!
Safety Geeks: SVI Premier
Rave Review for Safety Geeks: SVIBlog Critics LogoCritic Mary K Williams on Blogcritics "They bring the funny in a very geeky but delightful package and make this reviewer impatient for more."
Dave & Tom attend 1st Annual Streamy AwardsBeeler Konkle @ 1st Streamy awardsD&T on the Press walk at the 1st Annual Streamy Awards. Photo
Dave & Tom pen deal with for New Webseries SAFETY GEEKS:SVIKoldcast Tv LogoTrailblazing comes onboard as sponsors for Season One of Safety Geeks.
Chanel Ryan to Co-Star in D&T's Safety GeeksThe 2nd most downloaded girl on MySpace joins Safety Geeks:SVI in cameo
Chanel Ryan Banner
Tilzy.TV - Dave & Tom send up CSI in "Safety Geeks"tilzt logo
The eviscerating of procedural dramas with D&T - by Ana Hurka-Robles
Tivo LogoInvention Helps Launch New TiVo® Deal with KoldCast TV
Programming to 1.7M TiVo Subscribers - Read Koldcast Press Release here.
Koldcast Tv Logo

New Tee Vee Gives Amazing Props to D&T

"Artful Americans Dave & Tom Score Big" Editor's review by Julia DiddyNew Tee Vee Logo
Koldcast Deal for D&T
"Invention Series" soon to be available on TiVo. Read TubeFilter article here.

TubeFilter Article sees D&T close to Deal >>>>>>>>
Read Sean Casey's full article here.
Blog Critics LogoArchaeology of Comedy Receives Rave ReviewCritic Mary K Williams asks "Where have Dave & Tom been hiding?" praises "superb writing and comedic acting," and and concludes that the "Archaeology of Comedy is a great discovery in the world of humor." FULL REVIEW
indieflix logoArchaeology of Comedy Now Available on IndieFlixIndie film distributor, IndieFlix, has added "A of C" to it's catalogue of feature films. For a limited time, enjoy the lower price IndieFlix offers!
Page LogoDave & Tom's New Feature Film Script Makes the Cut!Screenwriters Beeler & Konkle are delighted to advance to the semi finals with their latest feature film script in the 2008 Page International Screenwriting Competition.
Dave & Tom in ParisEiffel Tower and D&T5 D&T films were selected for participation in the Pocket Films Festival (4th edition) in Paris, centre Pompidou. The films were screened in the International Competition for Mobile Screen, June 13 -15 2008. They said, "Si vous avez autant ri que nous, précipitez-vous sur cette série hilarante en V.O., et partagez-la avec vos voisins de métro!"
IS IT SAFE? Youtube's #2 featured comedy in 19 countries. IS IT SAFE? was honored by Youtube editors by being placed as the #2 featured comedy in 19 countries and counting....
Tubemogal Assesses Dave & Tom Views at over 12 million.Tubemogul gives the combined worldwide views for Dave & Tom videos to be 12.3 million.
Dave & Tom and Pith-e Production's New TV Pilot "IS IT SAFE?" Making a Splash
The Pilot Presentation for a new half hour comedy series penned and produced by Dave & Tom is available to watch online. Selected as a featured video on Veoh, the trailer received 17,000 views in it's first weekend online.

Tom Konkle IMDB Listing

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