Trouble Is My Business Movie starring Tom Konkle

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

See Brittney Powell in person. PLEASE READ THIS PAGE COMPLETELY BEFORE ORDERING ANY TICKETS. Be sure of which day a guest is doing photo ops/autographs before purchasing your admission tickets. Please note that tickets are delivered to you via e-mail in PDF format which you should print out and bring with you to convention registration. Most customers receive their PDF tickets within 3 business days of having placed their order. Creation Entertainment's Official XENA Convention 2012: "The Final Journey" BURBANK, CA Fri., Sat. & Sun. January 27-29, 2012 The Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel 2500 Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505 Self- Parking is discounted to $10! Updated: January 24, 2012 TENTATIVE BASIC SCHEDULE: Because we know many of our attendees are traveling into Burbank to be with us we wanted to include a basic early list of what is happening when. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS HIGHLY TENTATIVE and scheduled to change, so kindly check back the Wednesday prior to the event for the final line-up. ENJOY THE CONVENTION, AND THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Thursday, January 26 4:30 pm to 8:00 pm Vendors Set-up/Vendors Only 8:30 pm to 11 pm Vendors Room Open 8:30 pm to 10:00 pm Gold Patrons Pre-Registration, not a necessity, just a convenience 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm Preferred Weekend Patrons, not a necessity, just a convenience 10:30 pm to 11:00 pm Pre-Registration for all weekend patrons, not a necessity, just a convenience Friday, January 27 8 am to 10 am: Hudson Leick Yoga Class: It is suited for those both new and experienced in yoga. Please bring your own mat, towel and water. Hudson Leick is a member of the California Yoga Teacher's Association. She has been studying yoga for over sixteen years and taught for more than thirteen, and has done her teacher's training with renowned yoga masters such as Ana Forrest, Erich Schiffman and Gurmukh. Hudson specializes in Kundalini, Hatha, and a modified version of Ashtanga yoga, and her classes are a subtle blend of these methods. She has also studied Vipassana meditation in Nepal, and the 5Rhythms® based on the teachings of Gabrielle Roth. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the convention, at the site, for $119. Friday, January 27 (continued) 8:45 am to 9 am: VENDORS SET UP/VENDORS ONLY 9 am to 6:30 pm Vendors Room Open to all registered patrons 9 am to 9:40 am Pre-Registration for Gold Weekend Patrons who did not attend yesterday, a convenience, not a necessity. 9:40 am to 10:10 am Pre-Registration for all Weekend Attendees, not a necessity, just a convenience. 10:30 am to 7 pm daytime events: Appearances by Steven L. Sears, Adrienne Wilkinson, Ted Raimi, Jacqueline Kim, Brittney Powell, David Franklin, Hudson Leick and the Xena Yes/No Trivia Game! Friday Night 10:30 pm: The Creation Celebrity Cabaret starring Michael Hurst and Jennifer Ward Lealand. Complimentary for Gold and Preferred Weekend Patrons (keep your great seats) for others tickets are available at the convention for $40 reserved seating, $25 general admission.   Saturday, January 28 Morning 8 am to 10 am: Musetta Vander's Qigong Workship for Fans Qigong or chi kung is the Chinese philosophy and practice of aligning breath, physical activity and awareness for mental, spiritual and corporeal health, as well as the development of human potential. It includes aspects of Chinese martial arts and purportedly the spiritual awakening to one's true nature. Everyone regardless of physical condition can attend Musetta's workshop. The qigong exercise will be adapted to suit everyone's needs including those with mobility challenges. Tickets are $85 available in advance below or at the convention on Friday; Saturday, January 28 daytime events: Appearances by Katherine Fugate, Jennnifer Ward-Lealand, Michael Hurst, Melissa Good, Jacqueline Kim, Brittney Powell, Claire Stansfield, Timothy Omundson and the triumphant return of The Widow Twanky, plus our famous Costume Competition. Saturday January 18th, 10:30 pm to ?: The Great Creation Celebrity Cocktail Party and Centerpiece Contest: Featuring tentative appearances by SHEERI RAPPAPORT, MUSETTA VANDER, STEVEN L. SEARS and BRITTNEY POWELL. Complimentary and exclusive to Gold Patrons only. AND DON'T FORGET: this party also features your chance to shine creatively by bringing along the very best XENA themed CENTERPIECE! A $250 gift certificate is awarded to the best, so get cracking! THANKS AND HAVE FUN! Sunday, January 29 8:00 am to 10 am: Breakfast and Charity Auction with Hudson Leick and friends. 9:45 am to 10 am: VENDORS ROOM OPEN/ VENDORS ONLY 10 am to 6:30 pm Vendors Room Open to all registered guets 10 am to 7 pm Registration Open to all 10:30 am to 7 pm Theatre Open, on- stage theatre appearances include Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connnor, Tsianina Joelson, Jennifer Sky, and a special salute to Xena favorite, the late great Kevin Smith (Ares). Please note that some autographing may take place past 7 pm do kindly be prepared for this possibility. XENA CONVENTION SURVEY! Allow popups on this page to take the survey. Here is a snapshot of the results as of Monday, Dec. 26th. It has truly been a life changing experience for us to be involved with the amazing cast and crew of a television series that has meant so much to us all, and in reality, changed the face of TV itself. Through this joyous experience we came to know and love Lucy, Renee and Rob and all their co-stars and production team. There has never been a more supportive group nor one that has cared so deeply about their fans. They never let us down and it has been an honor to produce all of The Official XENA Conventions and merchandise all these years. And we thank Lucy, Rob and Renee for always stretching beyond what used to pass for convention appearances by doing plays, appearing in costumes, surprising the audience, signing and dancing in concert, and so much more. They raised the bar for EVERY other convention celebrity from that point forward and for this and so much more they will remain vital and dear friends to all of us at Creation and throughout the fan universe. As with all good things the time comes to raise a glass one last time and say goodbye with love and a heartfelt and tearful thank you. The 2012 convention, the final journey, brings us full circle to our return to our original Xena Convention venue, the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel and we promise one last rocking good time for all! Here, presented for your pleasure, are some amazing 2011 convention photos from another gentleman who had so much to do with Xena's success, Steven L. Sears: SPECIAL GUESTS for 2012 LUCY LAWLESS IS COMING TO OUR CONVENTION: WE LOVE HER! XENA FANS REJOICE! Blonde photo of Lucy by Darrell Fielder For years she has simply been our very favorite celebrity to welcome to our conventions. This super-talented performer can do it all, and brilliantly. Besides her immense talents she is the nicest to work with and always has her loyal fans in mind. From surprising our audiences, to performing in plays, to doing her beautiful concerts and her years helping with our fan club, there is no one we love more than Lucy. It is truly a pleasure for us to welcome LUCY LAWLESS as our awesome super-special guest for Creation Entertainment's Official XENA Convention 2012! Lucy will be joining us on Sunday and for the first time in recent memory (and only the second time we can recall) she has graciously agreed to do a VERY limited amount of photo ops to thank her many fans for their support. RENEE O’CONNOR XENA’s Gabrielle Appearing Sunday KATHERINE FUGATE One of Hollywood's most successful screenwriters, Katherine created the hit TV series Army Wives and wrote recent hit films including Valentine's Day and The Prince and Me. She wrote the popular Xena episode When Fates Collide. Appearing Saturday ADRIENNE WILKINSON Eve/Livia Appearing Friday MICHAEL HURST Actor, Director, Writer Michael is beloved by genre fans for his work as Iolaus and of course as a director of episodes of Xena, Spartacus, Legendof the Seeker, Jack of All Trades, and of course Hercules. It is always an honor for us to welcome Michael and his equally talented wife Jennifer Ward-Lealand as headlliners to our show Appearing Saturday SHEERI RAPPAPORT Otere in Adventures in the Sin Trade Part 1 & 2, Sheeri currently stars on CSI Appearing Sunday JENNIFER SKY Amarice on Xena, Cleo on Cleopatra 2525 Appearing Sunday HUDSON LEICK Callisto Appearing on stage Friday Hudson will also appear at our Sunday Breakfast and will conduct a yoga class on Friday morning as described below. JACQUELINE KIM Lao Ma JACQUELINE WILL BE APPEARING SATURDAY FOR A Q&A. SHE WILL PERFORM A COUPLE OF SONGS FROM HER CURRENT AND FUTURE CDS UNDER HER MUSICAL AKA, "THIS I HEARD" AND OFFER A SHORT, GUIDED MEDITATION. CDS AND "LAO MA" PHOTOS WILL BE AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT THE WEEKEND AT CREATION'S PHOTO TABLE. ALSO, JACQUELINE WILL BE SELLING HER AUTOGRAPHS DIRECT TO OUR AUDIENCE AS WELL SO YOU WILL GET TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH THIS TALENTED PERFORMER (who is indeed one of our favorites). TIMOTHY OMUNDSON Eli Appearing Saturday STEVEN L. SEARS Co-Executive Producer/Writer It is a pleasure to welcome back Steve to the convention, it certainly would not be the same without him! TSIANINA JOELSON Varia Appearing Sunday JENNIFER WARD-LEALAND Boadecia/Zehra of Xena Jennifer is one of New Zealand's busiest and most talented performers. We love having her on hand at the Xena convention and we surely appreciate her working her schedule out to join her many fans! Appearing Saturday MUSETTA VANDER Ilainus of Amphipolis Under Siege Appearing Saturday TED RAIMI Joxer Mr. Raimi will only be appearing on stage FRIDAY, he will not be signing autographs or doing photo ops DAVID FRANKLIN Brutus Appearing Friday David will have a table in the vendors room to meet fans and offer his autograph for a nominal fee. MELISSA GOOD Writer Appearing Saturday BRITTNEY POWELL Brunnhilda Appearing Saturday CLAIRE STANSFIELD Alti Appearing Saturday MICHAEL LEVINE Director Appearing Sunday Make sure to be on our XENA e-mail newsletter list to get announcements about XENA events! Back To Top
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